Friday, December 23, 2016
Happy Holidays!
"Muchas Gracias" to all my students and families for the lovely cards, candies, pastries, gift cards, and other holiday gifts. It is so nice to be remembered at this time of year. Enjoy your vacation and see you next year!

Monday, December 19, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 19 de diciembre - Día A
HW: turn in interactive notebook and study for retake exams
7th Grade Spanish - el 19 de diciembre - Día A
HW: study for test (see details below)
reminder- bring a family, pets, friends photo
reminder- bring a family, pets, friends photo
Thursday, December 15, 2016
8th Grade Spanish- el 15 de diciembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos- Más Práctica con el verbo "ir"
Reminder- turn in interactive notebooks
Reminder- turn in interactive notebooks
7th Grade Spanish - el 15 de diciembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos- Unidad1- Forms of "ser"
Next test- Día A- 12/21 and Día B- 12/22
review vocab notes on "Presentaciones," "Personas," and "Familia." Also review grammar notes on "Pronombre" and "Ser" conjugations
Next test- Día A- 12/21 and Día B- 12/22
review vocab notes on "Presentaciones," "Personas," and "Familia." Also review grammar notes on "Pronombre" and "Ser" conjugations
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Thursday, December 1, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 1 de diciembre- Día A
HW: Conjuguemos- Unidad 2 - frequency words (required)
Conjuguemos - Verb Translations (suggested practice for review test #3)
Review Test # 3
Día A- 9 de diciembre - el viernes
Día B- 12 de diciembre - el lunes
Conjuguemos - Verb Translations (suggested practice for review test #3)
Review Test # 3
Día A- 9 de diciembre - el viernes
Día B- 12 de diciembre - el lunes
Topics Covered:
- describe different parts of homes (U2)
- describe furniture and objects in a home (U2)
- describe household chores and leisure
activities (U2)
- conjugate
regular –ar verbs (U2)
- conjugate
regular –er and –ir verbs (U2)
- express location of ítems (U2)
- express obligation (U2)
- express frecuency (U2)
- describe activities like and don’t like to do
- describe colors of objects
7th Grade Spanish - el 1 de diciembre- Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad1 - family vocab
*Those who were assigned to present introduction speech should upload any powerpoints to Focus or remember to bring props or costumes.
*Those who were assigned to present introduction speech should upload any powerpoints to Focus or remember to bring props or costumes.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 16 de noviembre - Día A
HW: review for test next class - test covers all Crash Course
vocabulary and notes to include class items, question words, telling time, weather and seasons, days, months, dates, class commands, numbers 0 to 100 and ordinal numbers.
vocabulary and notes to include class items, question words, telling time, weather and seasons, days, months, dates, class commands, numbers 0 to 100 and ordinal numbers.
Monday, November 14, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 14 de noviembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 2 - Rooms and Furnishings
Reminder- Re-test opportunity for "review Test #2" on Nov 16 and 17 during class. New grade will replace old grade.
7th Grade Spanish - el 14 de noviembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos-Santillana-Crash Course 9- weather and seasons
Next test - A Day - Friday - Nov. 18th
B Day - Monday - Nov. 21st
30 questions - multiple choice - covers all Crash Course vocabulary and notes
Next test - A Day - Friday - Nov. 18th
B Day - Monday - Nov. 21st
30 questions - multiple choice - covers all Crash Course vocabulary and notes
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
8th Grade Spanish- el 9 de noviembre - Día A
HW: finish bedroom description project
Re-take of review test #2 will be offered in class on Wednesday (November 16th- A Day or November 17th - B Day). If you choose to take the new version of the test, the new grade will replace the previous grade.
Re-take of review test #2 will be offered in class on Wednesday (November 16th- A Day or November 17th - B Day). If you choose to take the new version of the test, the new grade will replace the previous grade.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016
8th Grade Spanish Field Trip
Permits for the field trip to see the "Latin American Fiesta" concert by Hispanic Flamenco Ballet on Wednesday, December 7th, were distributed today. The cost is $30 and includes lunch at La Nopalera's remodeled Mexican restaurant in San Marco. Bring your $30 cash and signed permit to reserve your seat. Only 80 tickets are available on a first come, first serve basis. I will be in the auditorium before school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to take money and permits.
7th Grade Spanish - el 3 de noviembre - Día A
HW: crossword and word find on
"El horario escolar"
Reminder: review for test - see post below
Reminder: review for test - see post below
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 1 de noviembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Sentences Describing People
Review Test #2:
A Day - Mon.- Nov. 7th / B Day - Tues. - Nov. 8th
You should be able to:
Review Test #2:
A Day - Mon.- Nov. 7th / B Day - Tues. - Nov. 8th
You should be able to:
talk about school schedules
use ordinal numbers
describe family members
describe personality traits and physical
characteristics of myself and others
describe feelings and conditions
use forms of “ser” and “estar” correctly
conjugate regular –ar verbs
use “gustar” to describe what someone likes
to do
possession (my, your, his, her, our, their)
7th Grade Spanish - el 1 de noviembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Ordinal Numbers
Next Test - Speaking test on days of week, months of year, ordinal numbers and telling time
A Day - Mon. - November 7th - B Day - Tues. - November 8th
Next Test - Speaking test on days of week, months of year, ordinal numbers and telling time
A Day - Mon. - November 7th - B Day - Tues. - November 8th
Friday, October 28, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 28 de octubre
HW: Conjuguemos- Santillana - Asking Questions
+ complete p. 21 and 22 in workbook
+ complete p. 21 and 22 in workbook
8th Grade Spanish - el 28 de octubre
HW: Conjuguemos- Verbos AR. Graded practice + frog game
Make sure you completed the Unit 1 test on Schoology.
Make sure you completed the Unit 1 test on Schoology.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 26 de octubre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Complete the activity for "Santillana - Crash Course 7 - Días y Fechas
8th Grade Spanish - el 26 de octubre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Complete the activity under "Santillana-Unidad 3-La Ropa"
Reminder: You have until Oct. 31st to complete the Unidad 1 Test on Schoology for a HW grade.
Reminder: You have until Oct. 31st to complete the Unidad 1 Test on Schoology for a HW grade.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 25 de octubre
HW: Complete the test for Unidad 1 on the Santillana Schoology website. Click on Santillana textbook in the Resources column on the left to access the test. Tests should be completed by Oct. 31st and will count as a HW grade.
Monday, October 17, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 17 de septiembre - Día A
HW: If you did not have your report on your Spanish holiday or did not turn in your calendar, please get it in ASAP. The grade will go in as a zero if I do not receive the project. No other HW.
Reminder: Turn in your t-shirt order
Reminder: Turn in your t-shirt order
8th Grade Spanish - el 17 de septiembre - Día A
Reminders: Please get in your t-shirt order ASAP. I want to send in the order next week.
Grades are being finalized for the quarter. Missing grades will be replaced with zeros.
Please make sure you have completed your test on Episodios, turned in your
10 summaries (combination of English and Spanish), and turned in your interactive
Fiesta Dates: B-Day on Thursday, Oct. 20th
A-Day on Monday, Oct. 24th
Don´t forget the item you signed up to bring!
Grades are being finalized for the quarter. Missing grades will be replaced with zeros.
Please make sure you have completed your test on Episodios, turned in your
10 summaries (combination of English and Spanish), and turned in your interactive
Fiesta Dates: B-Day on Thursday, Oct. 20th
A-Day on Monday, Oct. 24th
Don´t forget the item you signed up to bring!
Thursday, October 13, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 13 de octubre - Día A
HW: Bring a copy of a recipe of a dish, drink, or dessert that you would like to make for the fiesta.
Fiesta Dates: A Day - Monday, Oct. 24th B Day - Thursday, Oct. 20th
Fiesta Dates: A Day - Monday, Oct. 24th B Day - Thursday, Oct. 20th
7th Grade Spanish - el 13 de octubre - Día A
H W: Prepare calendar project. This includes the calendar itself in Spanish for your birth month AND the report on a Spanish holiday in your birth month. To start your report, you should be prepared to give your name and birthday in Spanish and then talk about the holiday in English.
If you need directions or a copy of the template, click on the link below for the Landon Spanish website:
JLCP Spanish Page
If you need directions or a copy of the template, click on the link below for the Landon Spanish website:
JLCP Spanish Page
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 11 de octubre - Día A
HW: Complete the crossword and word find on days and dates. If you did not finish p. 17 -20 in the workbook, make sure those are completed and that all workbook pages from 7 to 20 are completed and ready to turn in next class.
8th Grade Spanish - el 11 de octubre - Dia A
HW: Prepare for writing test on Los Episodios - review vocabulary needed to retell the story of María and Felipe
Friday, October 7, 2016
Spanish T-shirts Available
If you are interested in ordering a Spanish t-shirt, please turn in your order form with your name, class, and shirt size and $10 in cash. You can get a better idea of shirt sizes available by going to the www.imagemarket.com website. Click on any design to pull up the size chart. The picture below will give you an idea of what the final product will look like...black t-shirt with orange lettering.
t-shirt website
t-shirt website
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Due Dates and Test Dates Updated
The following dates have changed due to cancellation of classes on Thursday and Friday:
8th Grade:
Interactive Notebooks Due:
A-Day - Monday, Oct. 10th B Day - Tuesday, Oct. 11th
Writing Test on Episodios:
A-Day - Wednesday, Oct. 12th B Day - Thursday, Oct. 13th
7th Grade:
Numbers 0-100 and Items in the Classroom Test:
A-Day - Monday, Oct. 10th B Day - Tuesday, October 11th
*Reminder: End of the Quarter is Thursday, Oct. 13th
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 4 de octubre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Crash Course 4 - The Classroom
Reminder: Written test on numbers 0-100 and "the classroom" vocabulary is on Thursday, Oct. 6th (A Day) and Friday, October 7th (B Day)
Reminder: Written test on numbers 0-100 and "the classroom" vocabulary is on Thursday, Oct. 6th (A Day) and Friday, October 7th (B Day)
8th Grade Spanish - el 4 de octubre - Dia A
HW: Complete your interactive notebook project.(100 points possible) Make sure that you have a cover, the following list for the table of contents pasted inside the cover, and all of the contents completed that align with the listings in the table of contents. You will receive a score of 90 if all of the above are included. An additional 10 points will be awarded to notebooks that are decorated or enhanced in some way with better quality content, neatness or other aspects that show additional effort and care to create a final product that is above the standard.
Cover + Table of Contents
1. 5 Reasons to Study Spanish
2. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
3. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
4. Blank
5. Los Paises Hispánicos
6. El Tiempo
7. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
8. Los Números 0-20
9. Los Números 21-100
10. Los Días y Los Meses
11. Las Fechas
12. La Familia
13. La Familia _________ (family "tree")
14. Los Números Ordinales
15. Las Clases
16. Mi Horario
Cover + Table of Contents
1. 5 Reasons to Study Spanish
2. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
3. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
4. Blank
5. Los Paises Hispánicos
6. El Tiempo
7. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
8. Los Números 0-20
9. Los Números 21-100
10. Los Días y Los Meses
11. Las Fechas
12. La Familia
13. La Familia _________ (family "tree")
14. Los Números Ordinales
15. Las Clases
16. Mi Horario
Friday, September 30, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 30 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Crossword and Word Scramble (both sides) - La Clase
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 28 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Numbers 0-100
(If you did not finish filling in your vocabulary sheets or completing workbook pages 13-16, please complete before coming to next class.)
(If you did not finish filling in your vocabulary sheets or completing workbook pages 13-16, please complete before coming to next class.)
8th Grade Spanish - el 28 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Descriptions Vocab
(Keep reviewing Episodios story vocab to help you prepare for the test on the whole story.)
(Keep reviewing Episodios story vocab to help you prepare for the test on the whole story.)
Monday, September 26, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 26 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Study for numbers 0-100 speaking test. You will have to say the numbers from 0 to 20 and then the numbers 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. Make sure you also know how to answer the question "¿Cómo estás?"
8th Grade Spanish - el 26 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Finish family vocab list and family tree in interactive notebook and complete conjuguemos activity - Santillana - Unidad 1 - La Familia
Thursday, September 22, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 22 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Practice saying numbers 0-100. If you need help, use the resource listed on the left of this blog. It will say the numbers for you.
8th Grade Spanish - el 22 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Finish interactive notebook set-up for days and months
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 20 de septiembre - Día A
HW: www.conjuguemos.com - Complete the activity on "Numbers 0-20" - To get full HW credit, make sure that you complete a minimum of 30 questions and then send me your scores.
8th Grade Spanish - el 20 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Catch up on assignments for your interactive notebook. Your table of contents should be glued to the inside cover of your notebook and should read as follows:
1. 5 Reasons to Study Spanish
2. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
3. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
4. Blank
5. Los Paises Hispánicos
6. El Tiempo
7. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
8. Los Números 0-20
9. Los Números 21-100
Page contents in the notebook should match the Table of Contents.
1. 5 Reasons to Study Spanish
2. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
3. Cognados/Falsos Cognados
4. Blank
5. Los Paises Hispánicos
6. El Tiempo
7. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
8. Los Números 0-20
9. Los Números 21-100
Page contents in the notebook should match the Table of Contents.
Friday, September 16, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 16 de septiembre - Dia A
HW: Create a person or object out of numbers 0 thru 10. For example, use an 8 to make a body. Then label each number with the correct word in Spanish. You may use a number more than once but only have to label the number in Spanish one time.
8th Grade Spanish - el 16 de septiembre - Día A
Review for TEST:
A Day - Tues., Sept. 20th / B Day - Wed., Sept. 21st
A Day - Tues., Sept. 20th / B Day - Wed., Sept. 21st
Spanish speaking countries, capitals and locations
Alphabet – spelling
Pronunciation Rules
Greetings and Introductions
How are you?/Goodbyes (CC 2 & 3) (tú vs. usted)
Telling Time
Numbers 0-100
Question Words (who, what, where, etc.)
Days and Dates
Weather and Seasons
Class items (CC 4)
cognates vs. false cognates
basic commands (CC 4, 5, 6):
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 14 de septiembre - ´Día A
HW: Complete the numbers pages for the interactive notebook. Put numbers 0-20 on the left side and numbers 21-100 on the right side, so that the pages face each other. On the back, fill in how you say each number in Spanish.
NEXT TEST: A Day - Tues., Sept. 20th / B Day - Wed., Sept. 21st
NEXT TEST: A Day - Tues., Sept. 20th / B Day - Wed., Sept. 21st
Spanish speaking countries, capitals and locations
Alphabet – spelling
Pronunciation Rules
Greetings and Introductions
How are you?/Goodbyes
(CC 2 & 3) (tú vs. usted)
Telling Time
Numbers 0-100
Question Words (who, what, where, etc.)
Days and Dates
Weather and Seasons
Class items (CC 4)
cognates vs. false cognates
basic commands (CC 4, 5, 6)
Monday, September 12, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 12 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Study for test: correctly spelling countries from dictation using the Spanish alphabet, Crash Course 2 & 3 Vocabulary, names of countries where Spanish is spoken, the capitals, and where they are located (Europa, África, América del Sur, América del Norte, América Central, El Caribe), and finding countries on a blank map. Study your notes pages.
A Day - Wednesday, Sept. 14th
B Day - Thursday, Sept. 15th
Reminder: You can use the conjuguemos.com website to practice capitals and countries or the CC 2 & 3 vocab by either doing the graded practice or by using the flashcards.
A Day - Wednesday, Sept. 14th
B Day - Thursday, Sept. 15th
Reminder: You can use the conjuguemos.com website to practice capitals and countries or the CC 2 & 3 vocab by either doing the graded practice or by using the flashcards.
8th Grade Spanish - el 12 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Review story vocab to prepare for matching test on Wed. (A-Day) or Thurs. (B-Day).
Complete the interactive notebook pages for weather.
Complete the interactive notebook pages for weather.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 8 de septiembre - Día B
HW: www.conjuguemos.com - Do the activity titled "Santillana - Crash Course 2 &; 3" - Make sure that you do the "Graded Practice" and do at least 30 questions. Take off the timer before you press "Start." Click on "record score" when you finish the practice.
Next Test: correctly spelling countries from dictation using the Spanish alphabet, Crash Course 2 & 3 Vocabulary, names of countries where Spanish is spoken, the capitals, and where they are located (Europa, África, América del Sur, América del Norte, América Central, El Caribe), and finding countries on a blank map. Study your notes pages.
A Day - Wednesday, Sept. 14th
B Day - Thursday, Sept. 15th
Next Test: correctly spelling countries from dictation using the Spanish alphabet, Crash Course 2 & 3 Vocabulary, names of countries where Spanish is spoken, the capitals, and where they are located (Europa, África, América del Sur, América del Norte, América Central, El Caribe), and finding countries on a blank map. Study your notes pages.
A Day - Wednesday, Sept. 14th
B Day - Thursday, Sept. 15th
8th Grade Spanish - el 8 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Episodios - Pt. 2
Reminder: Test on all story vocab (Episodios) will be on Wednesday, Sept. 14th for A Day and on Thursday, Sept. 15th for B Day.
Reminder: Test on all story vocab (Episodios) will be on Wednesday, Sept. 14th for A Day and on Thursday, Sept. 15th for B Day.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 6 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Complete the crossword puzzle and word find with various social expressions
Reminder: If you did not get a chance in class, try to log on to www.conjuguemos.com. Remember, for most students, your log in and password are both 1617 + your first name in lower case letters
Reminder: If you did not get a chance in class, try to log on to www.conjuguemos.com. Remember, for most students, your log in and password are both 1617 + your first name in lower case letters
8th Grade Spanish - el 6 de septiembre - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Episodios - Part 1 (Make sure you complete a minimum of 30 questions.)
Thursday, September 1, 2016
No Tutoring Today - September 1st
Due to the storm, all after school activities will be canceled today - Thursday, September 1st.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 31 de agosto - Día A
HW: Finish the 4 panel Spanish cartoon. Make sure that you use at least 10 different choices of words or phrases from your new vocabulary list. You may use names in English or one extra vocab word in English to help create your cartoon story.
8th Grade Spanish - el 31 de agosto - Día A
HW: Complete the activity on Spanish speaking countries and capitals (Paises Hispanohablantes) for p. 5 of your interactive notebook
Monday, August 29, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 29 de agosto - Día A
HW: Study you names of Spanish-speaking countries and capitals. Use the following Rap from YouTube to help you study.
Rock the Capitals - Central America
Rock the Capitals - Central America
Thursday, August 25, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 25 de agosto - Día A
HW: Practice the Spanish alphabet to prepare for your test (A Day is on Monday, August 29th and B Day is on Tuesday, August 30th). Use the resources listed on the left of the blog for extra help.
Also, remember that you will have a brief conversation with Señora Dennis before you say the alphabet. It should go something like this.... Of course, you will fill in your own Spanish name.
Señora Dennis: Hola, ¿Cómo te llamas?
Estudiante: Me llamo Carlos. ¿Y usted?
Señora Dennis: Me llamo Señora Dennis.
Estudiante: Mucho gusto.
Señora Dennis: Mucho gusto.
Also, remember that you will have a brief conversation with Señora Dennis before you say the alphabet. It should go something like this.... Of course, you will fill in your own Spanish name.
Señora Dennis: Hola, ¿Cómo te llamas?
Estudiante: Me llamo Carlos. ¿Y usted?
Señora Dennis: Me llamo Señora Dennis.
Estudiante: Mucho gusto.
Señora Dennis: Mucho gusto.
8th Grade Spanish - el 25 de agosto - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Crash Course 4 - The Classroom (Make sure you complete a minimum of 30 problems and send the scores to get HW credit.)
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
7th Grade - el 23 de agosto - Dia A
HW: Practice the Spanish alphabet to prepare for your test (A Day is on Monday, August 29th and B Day is on Tuesday, August 30th). Use the resources listed on the left of the blog for extra help. Remember that the Spanish alphabet was recently updated and some letters have been removed, so if you use some online resources, they may include some extra letters or may some letters differently,
Also, if you did not finish your worksheet on Spanish-speaking countries, please complete all information including the capitals.
Also, if you did not finish your worksheet on Spanish-speaking countries, please complete all information including the capitals.
8th Grade Spanish - el 23 de agosto - Dia A
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Crash Course 2 & 3 (Greetings and Goodbyes)
Remember that your log-in and password are the same and for most students is "1516" followed by your first name. This website has been renovated, so check out all the new features.
For full HW credit, you must do at least 30 "problems or questions" for this activity. Select "Graded Practice" and "start." After you have completed a minimum of 30, click on "Record Score."
Remember that your log-in and password are the same and for most students is "1516" followed by your first name. This website has been renovated, so check out all the new features.
For full HW credit, you must do at least 30 "problems or questions" for this activity. Select "Graded Practice" and "start." After you have completed a minimum of 30, click on "Record Score."
Friday, August 19, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 19 de agosto - Día A
HW: Study your alphabet. Use the website listed under resources or your class notes for help. Try to master the first half of the alphabet by next class.
8th Grade Spanish - el 19 de agosto - Dia A
HW: Complete your cover and table of contents for your interactive notebook.
At the top of the first page of the notebook, write the title "5 Reasons to Study Spanish."
Then create an interesting graphic on the page in which you name your 5 reasons.
At the top of the first page of the notebook, write the title "5 Reasons to Study Spanish."
Then create an interesting graphic on the page in which you name your 5 reasons.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 17 de agosto - Día A
HW: Finish the ¿Quién soy yo? bulletin board project. Fill in the blanks in Spanish, color in and/or decorate the triangles, and cut them out. When you come to class, you can punch holes and string the parts together.
7th Grade Spanish - el 17 de agosto - Día A
HW: Use your notes to practicing saying your vowels and memorize the poem below:
A - E - I - O - U
Arbolito de Perú
Me llamo _________.
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
(Remember: the "ll" in Spanish should be pronounced like a "y" or "j" in English, so you would say...."yah moh" or "jah moh."
A - E - I - O - U
Arbolito de Perú
Me llamo _________.
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
(Remember: the "ll" in Spanish should be pronounced like a "y" or "j" in English, so you would say...."yah moh" or "jah moh."
Monday, August 15, 2016
7th & 8th Grade Spanish
HW: Get your supplies for class
1 inch 3 ring binder
5 tab dividers
lined loose leaf paper
blue or black pens OR pencils
red pens (for making corrections)
colored pencils
8th Grade Only: Composition Book
Reminder: Vote for "Linda Dennis" on Duolingo to help our class win iPads!
Use the link below or type in "contests.duolingo.com/entry/12baaf38"
1 inch 3 ring binder
5 tab dividers
lined loose leaf paper
blue or black pens OR pencils
red pens (for making corrections)
colored pencils
8th Grade Only: Composition Book
Reminder: Vote for "Linda Dennis" on Duolingo to help our class win iPads!
Use the link below or type in "contests.duolingo.com/entry/12baaf38"
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Help Us Win!
Duolingo is having a contest for a teacher to win up to 20 iPads for the class. Click on the link below and vote for Linda Dennis and JLCP!
Duolingo Free iPad Contest
Duolingo Free iPad Contest
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
¡Hola, estudiantes!
It´s time to start getting ready for the new school year and putting together your supplies for class. Here is a list of what you will need:
1 inch 3 ring binder
5 tab dividers
lined loose leaf paper
blue or black pens OR pencils
red pens (for making corrections)
colored pencils
8th Grade Only: Composition Book
(Please also consider donating one of the following classroom supplies: box of tissues, hand sanitizer, copy paper, packet of lined 3 x 5 cards, roll of paper towels)
Thursday, June 9, 2016
8th Grade Spanish Students
Thank you to all for your kind notes and gifts. It has been a pleasure to teach you and I hope that this is just the beginning of your "adventure" with the Spanish language. I wish you a fun and restful summer and the best of luck with the new challenges you will face in high school.
FYI....if you DO want to keep up with your Spanish over the summer.....and I know you do!...here is the link to the video mystery for Spanish 1 students that I was telling you about. There are 10 Episodes that you can access on Vimeo.
¿Eres tú, María?
FYI....if you DO want to keep up with your Spanish over the summer.....and I know you do!...here is the link to the video mystery for Spanish 1 students that I was telling you about. There are 10 Episodes that you can access on Vimeo.
¿Eres tú, María?
Monday, June 6, 2016
All Spanish students
Due to bad weather, Mr. Feagins has canceled all after school activities today (Monday, Jiune 6th). As a result, I will extend the deadline for make-up work to Wednesday, June 8th and will plan to stay after school for anyone who needs to turn in work or take a re-test.
Friday, June 3, 2016
All Spanish students
Last day to recycle test or do make-up work is Monday, June, 6th. I will be available before school at 7:30 a.m. in my classroom or after school from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
All Spanish Students
Anyone who needs to recycle a test or complete make-up work.....I will stay after school on Tues, Wed., and Thurs. (5/30, 6/1, and 6/2) for extra help or time to re-cycle a test.
Please refer to Focus for grade updates.
Please refer to Focus for grade updates.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 25 de mayo
HW: Review for upcoming culture test: A-Day on 6/1 and B-Day on 6/2
Use conjuguemos - Santillana - Cultura - Units 1-3 and Cultura Unit 4
Reminder: Groups should have final copies completed for their menus
Use conjuguemos - Santillana - Cultura - Units 1-3 and Cultura Unit 4
Reminder: Groups should have final copies completed for their menus
7th Grade Spanish - el 25 de mayo
HW: Complete www.conjuguemos. com activities:
Santillana - Unidad 3 - Demonstrative Pronouns
Santillana - Unidad 3 - Comparisons
Do a minimum of 30 "problems" for each activity
Unit 3 Test - A-Day (Wed. 6/1) and B-Day (Tues. 5/31)
To prepare for the test, review grammar notes on forms of the verb "ir"/to go and how to describe what people like using the verb "gustar." Also, review vocabulary to describe "Las Compras," expressions used in shopping, clothing characteristics and materials, how to make comparisons, and demonstrative pronouns. Conjuguemos and your corrected worksheets provide a great way to review these topics.
Santillana - Unidad 3 - Demonstrative Pronouns
Santillana - Unidad 3 - Comparisons
Do a minimum of 30 "problems" for each activity
Unit 3 Test - A-Day (Wed. 6/1) and B-Day (Tues. 5/31)
To prepare for the test, review grammar notes on forms of the verb "ir"/to go and how to describe what people like using the verb "gustar." Also, review vocabulary to describe "Las Compras," expressions used in shopping, clothing characteristics and materials, how to make comparisons, and demonstrative pronouns. Conjuguemos and your corrected worksheets provide a great way to review these topics.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 24 de mayo
HW: Review for Unit 4 Test (A-Day on 5/25 and B-Day on 5/26)
To prepare, review all vocabulary for Unit 4 and how to use direct and indirect object pronouns (see grammar notes page).
To prepare, review all vocabulary for Unit 4 and how to use direct and indirect object pronouns (see grammar notes page).
7th Grade Spanish - el 24 de mayo
HW: Review for culture test on Units 1 - 3. Use conjuguemos.com to practice
*Make sure all of your worksheets are completed and up-to-date thru p. 122.
*Make sure all of your worksheets are completed and up-to-date thru p. 122.
Friday, May 20, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 20 de mayo
HW: All Worksheets for Unit 4 should be completed from p. 141 to p. 170
Reminder: Final copy of restaurant skit menu should be ready for next class.
Reminder: Final copy of restaurant skit menu should be ready for next class.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 18 de mayo
HW: Workbook p. 169-170
Upcoming Tests:
Unit 4 Test - A-Day (Wed, 5/25) / B-Day (Thurs. 5/26)
Culture Test - A Day (Wed. 6/1) / B-Day (Thurs. 6/2)
*To prepare for the Culture test, use conjuguemos.com - "Santillana - Culture - Units 1-3"
I will post another practice for Unit 4 soon.
Upcoming Tests:
Unit 4 Test - A-Day (Wed, 5/25) / B-Day (Thurs. 5/26)
Culture Test - A Day (Wed. 6/1) / B-Day (Thurs. 6/2)
*To prepare for the Culture test, use conjuguemos.com - "Santillana - Culture - Units 1-3"
I will post another practice for Unit 4 soon.
7th Grade Spanish - el 18 de mayo
HW: Practice for Culture Test using Conjuguemos - "Santillana - Cultura - Units 1-3" - Do at least 30 "problems"
Culture Test: A Day - 5/25 (Wed.) / B Day - 5/26 (Thurs.)
Culture Test: A Day - 5/25 (Wed.) / B Day - 5/26 (Thurs.)
Monday, May 9, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 9 de mayo
"Muchas gracias" to all for a fantastic fiesta last Friday. Thank you to all students who donated food items and paper products, etc. and to those who helped with decorations and set-up. A special thanks to parents for donating their time to act as chaperones and helpers with food preparation, service, set-up and clean-up, for being our photographers, and for joining in on the dancing. Such a big party would never be possible without your help. Thanks also to administrators, faculty, and staff who stopped by to join in with our celebration.
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 4 - Describing foods
Reminder: EOC - B-Day on Monday, May 16th and A-Day on Tuesday, May 17th
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 4 - Describing foods
Reminder: EOC - B-Day on Monday, May 16th and A-Day on Tuesday, May 17th
7th Grade Spanish - el 9 de mayo
EOC/Final Exam - B-Day on Monday, May 16th and A-Day on Tuesday, May 17th
Students were given a checklist of all topics that will be covered on the exam. To review, choose 10 activities from Conjuguemos that you feel need more review or practice. Complete the activity by doing at least 20 "problems/questions" for each activity. Then send the scores. Check your Conjuguemos gradebook to make sure that you have completed 10 or more activities. You have until the date of the final exam to complete these activities. They will be transferred to the Focus gradebook for a 50 point project on that date.
Students were given a checklist of all topics that will be covered on the exam. To review, choose 10 activities from Conjuguemos that you feel need more review or practice. Complete the activity by doing at least 20 "problems/questions" for each activity. Then send the scores. Check your Conjuguemos gradebook to make sure that you have completed 10 or more activities. You have until the date of the final exam to complete these activities. They will be transferred to the Focus gradebook for a 50 point project on that date.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
8th Grade - Salsa de Mayo
Hola, Period 3A! Since I didn't get to see you in class today, I just wanted to remind you that you should leave your Per. 8B class on Friday at 2 p.m. and go straight to the cafeteria for our fiesta. All bookbags, etc. will be placed to the left of the doors, next to the windows.
This is an in-school function, so you will NOT be allowed to use cell phones or take pictures of videos during the event. We have some parents who will be taking pictures.
Please make sure all of the items you promised to bring are in my classroom before school starts on Friday.
This is an in-school function, so you will NOT be allowed to use cell phones or take pictures of videos during the event. We have some parents who will be taking pictures.
Please make sure all of the items you promised to bring are in my classroom before school starts on Friday.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 3 de mayo
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 3 - Clothing I Like
Reminder: Bring your signed movie permit
Reminder: Bring your signed movie permit
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Great Practice website
¡Hola, estudiantes!
I just learned about a great resource from the University of Texas and have posted a link called "Listening Practice" on the left side of the Blog under Resources. You can click on different levels of Spanish at the top and listen to native speakers talk about various topics. They have also provided a script so you can read along, if you wish. This is a great way to take all of that vocabulary and grammar that you have been learning and see if you can really understand someone speaking Spanish. It´s great practice and you can pick up a lot of new vocab, too. ¡Buena Suerte!
I just learned about a great resource from the University of Texas and have posted a link called "Listening Practice" on the left side of the Blog under Resources. You can click on different levels of Spanish at the top and listen to native speakers talk about various topics. They have also provided a script so you can read along, if you wish. This is a great way to take all of that vocabulary and grammar that you have been learning and see if you can really understand someone speaking Spanish. It´s great practice and you can pick up a lot of new vocab, too. ¡Buena Suerte!
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 27 de abril
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 4: Indirect Object pronouns
Friday, April 22, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 22 de abril
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 4 - Irregular First Person Verbs
7th Grade Spanish - el 22 de abril
HW: Return your permit to see movie
Reminder: Make sure all of your worksheets for Unidad 3 from p.105 to p. 114 are completed and corrected.
Reminder: Make sure all of your worksheets for Unidad 3 from p.105 to p. 114 are completed and corrected.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 20 de abril
HW: Review for test - Use conjuguemos to practice: "La ropa," "Los colores," "El centro comercial," and "Stem-changing verbs - IE" Remember there are also games for each activity to help you practice.
Monday, April 18, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 18 de abril
HW: catch up on all conjuguemos activities
Reminder: Turn in your Salsa de Mayo permit.
Reminder: Turn in your Salsa de Mayo permit.
7th Grade Spanish - el 18 de abril
HW: Write 10
sentences using the following model. Use
each store on vocab list at least 2 times.
Yo voy a la __type of
store___________ para comprar __an_item________.
Next Test: Friday – April 22nd – covers clothing vocab, colors, names
of stores and other “el centro comercial” vocab and stem-changing verbs. Use conjuguemos to practice because spelling
Thursday, April 14, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 14 de abril
HW: Conjuguemos.com
– Santillana – Unidad 3 – Stem-Changing Verbs IE
Reminder: Finish the crossword puzzle and workbook pages 108 to 110 (if not already finished in class).
Reminder: Finish the crossword puzzle and workbook pages 108 to 110 (if not already finished in class).
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 12 de abril
HW: Conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Unidad 4 - Direct Object Pronouns
7th Grade Spanish - el 12 de abril
HW: Conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Unidad 3 - El Centro Comercial
Monday, April 11, 2016
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 5 de abril
HW: conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Unidad 4 - Comidas - Parte 2 (minimum of 30 problems)
7th Grade Spanish - el 5 de abril
HW: conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Unidad 3 - Los Colores - minimum of 30 problems
Reminder: Finish the colors worksheet and your project
Project directions:
Use 1/2 sheet of computer paper. Write your name and class in the top, right corner. Draw a picture of a person (in the center of the page) wearing at least 4 items from the clothing vocab list. Color the items with colors you know from the vocab list. Give the person a name and write it at the top of the paper. On the bottom of the paper, write a few sentences in Spanish to introduce your person and tell what he or she is wearing and what color the item is. (This is....He/She is wearing a red hat, a white shirt, black shorts and black sandals.)
Reminder: Finish the colors worksheet and your project
Project directions:
Use 1/2 sheet of computer paper. Write your name and class in the top, right corner. Draw a picture of a person (in the center of the page) wearing at least 4 items from the clothing vocab list. Color the items with colors you know from the vocab list. Give the person a name and write it at the top of the paper. On the bottom of the paper, write a few sentences in Spanish to introduce your person and tell what he or she is wearing and what color the item is. (This is....He/She is wearing a red hat, a white shirt, black shorts and black sandals.)
Friday, April 1, 2016
8th Grade - Spanish - el 1 de abril
HW: Conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Unidad 4 - Comidas - Parte 1 (make at least 30 attempts)
7th Grade - el 1 de abril
HW: Conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Unidad 3 - La Ropa (make at least 30 attempts)
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 30 de marzo
HW: Finish all worksheets for Unidad 3 and have them ready to turn in next class.
Reminder: Last day for test retakes and recycling is Thursday (March 30th) - after school from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Reminder: Last day for test retakes and recycling is Thursday (March 30th) - after school from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
7th Grade Spanish - el 30 de marzo
HW: Finish all worksheets for Unidad 2 and have them ready to turn in next class (if you have not already turned them in).
Reminder: Last day for retakes/recycling is Thursday (March 31st, from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Reminder: Last day for retakes/recycling is Thursday (March 31st, from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 29 de marzo
HW: Make sure you have completed your notes on the 10 culture items on Puerto Rico: El Morro, Viejo San Juan, Los coquies, La Casa Blanca, El Yunque, La Bahia de Mosquito, El asopao, Las cuevas de Camuy, Las casas indigenas (el bohio/el caney), salsa music
Reminder: Last opportunity to retake/recycle tests is Thursday (4/1) after school from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Reminder: Last opportunity to retake/recycle tests is Thursday (4/1) after school from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
7th and 8th Grade Spanish
Enjoy your spring break!
This is also a great time to catch up on work and practice vocab to prepare for test retakes!
This is also a great time to catch up on work and practice vocab to prepare for test retakes!
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 15 de marzo
HW: Finish workbook pages 93-96
*Recycle tests will be given on Thursday, March 17th, after school. Students must be picked up by 3:45 p.m. Review using conjuguemos.com
*Recycle tests will be given on Thursday, March 17th, after school. Students must be picked up by 3:45 p.m. Review using conjuguemos.com
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 9 de marzo
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 2 - Verb Practice
Review for test on "Tareas Domesticas," "Acciones habituales en casa," "Actividades de Ocio" and conjugations of -ar, -er, -ir verbs in present tense.
Review for test on "Tareas Domesticas," "Acciones habituales en casa," "Actividades de Ocio" and conjugations of -ar, -er, -ir verbs in present tense.
Monday, March 7, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 7 de marzo
HW: Have your script, props, signs, etc. ready for your fashion show presentation
7th Grade Spanish - el 7 de marzo
HW: Complete the activity on www.conjuguemos.com for Santillana- Unidad 2 - Chores and Activities....Make sure you do at least 30 tries to get full credit for doing the activity
Coming Soon! - Next test on verbs (Las tareas domésticas, Acciones habituales en la casa, and Actividades de ocio and how to conjugate them in the present tense)
Coming Soon! - Next test on verbs (Las tareas domésticas, Acciones habituales en la casa, and Actividades de ocio and how to conjugate them in the present tense)
Sunday, March 6, 2016
World Language Festival Results - Woo Hoo JLCP!
On Saturday, March 5th, 19 of our Spanish students participated in the Northeast Florida World Language Festival at Wolfson High School and all of our students did a fantastic job representing Julia Landon! This is a day-long competition in events ranging from impromptu speaking, a vocabulary bee, talent competition, poetry recitation, 2-D and 3-D projects, creative drama, and International Relay.
Highlights of the event include Anton R. and MaryMac C. who placed 1st and 2nd in the Vocabulary Bee, Also participating were Monica G., Jesse B., and Avery G. Finalists in the International Idol Competition were Puja M., Jordan R., and Olivia A. with their rendition of "La Bamba."
Students who placed "Superior" in their individual events were Olivia A, Anamaria A,, Liz R., Puja M., Jordan R., and Kaitlyn P. Students who received an "Excellent" rating were Ella H., Morgan C., Jahleel J., Alex R., Nandhini K., Shirsika K., and Savannah L.
"Muchas gracias" to all of the participants for taking extra time after school and weekends to prepare for the event!
Highlights of the event include Anton R. and MaryMac C. who placed 1st and 2nd in the Vocabulary Bee, Also participating were Monica G., Jesse B., and Avery G. Finalists in the International Idol Competition were Puja M., Jordan R., and Olivia A. with their rendition of "La Bamba."
Students who placed "Superior" in their individual events were Olivia A, Anamaria A,, Liz R., Puja M., Jordan R., and Kaitlyn P. Students who received an "Excellent" rating were Ella H., Morgan C., Jahleel J., Alex R., Nandhini K., Shirsika K., and Savannah L.
"Muchas gracias" to all of the participants for taking extra time after school and weekends to prepare for the event!
Thursday, March 3, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 3 de marzo
HW: Return signed movie permit
Review vocabulary by using the www.conjuguemos.com website to prepare for test recycling on Thursday, March 10th - at 3 p.m.
Reminder: Get together props, outfit, music, script, etc. for your fashion show on Wed-3/9 (A-Day) or Thursday 3/10 (B-Day)
Review vocabulary by using the www.conjuguemos.com website to prepare for test recycling on Thursday, March 10th - at 3 p.m.
Reminder: Get together props, outfit, music, script, etc. for your fashion show on Wed-3/9 (A-Day) or Thursday 3/10 (B-Day)
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 1 de marzo
HW: www.conjuguemos.com - Santillana - Unidad 2: Rooms and Furnishings - minimum of 30 words or phrases typed correctly
Friday, February 26, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 26 de febrero
HW: Those who wish to recycle the last test should use the www.conjuguemos.com website to practice vocab and grammar from Unidad 3. Arrange a time for a retest.
7th Grade Spanish - el 26 de febrero
HW: Finish workbook p. 83, 84. Make flashcards for vocabulary to describe "Tareas Domesticas" and "Acciones habituales en la casa" and study those words.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 24 de febrero
HW: For those who wish to recycle a test from this quarter, use the conjuguemos website to practice your vocabulary and grammar for that unit.
7th Grade Spanish - el 24 de febrero
HW: Finish class project on location words. See instructions below:
Task: Create a
drawing with at least 12 objects you would find in a classroom. All of these objects must be words
taken from your vocabulary lists for 7th Grade Spanish. Then write
10 sentences in Spanish using the verb "estar" to describe where
these objects are located in the classroom.
You may use each preposition
to describe location only one time.
Finally, add color to enhance your drawing.
Write your name on the upper
right corner of your project and on this rubric.
______ Neat and colorful
drawing of objects in a classroom
______ Correct spelling and use of vocabulary to describe
the objects in Spanish
______ Correct forms of the verbs “is” / “está” and “are” /
“están” to show location
______ Correct use of "del,"
"de la," “de los,” or “de las” as needed
______ Correct spelling and use of 10 different location prepositions
Monday, February 22, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 22 de febrero
HW: Memorize your poem (see previous post) and be ready to present it for a grade. No notes allowed. You must do the appropriate hand motions to go with the poem.
Reminder: finish classwork - workbook p. 79-82
Reminder: finish classwork - workbook p. 79-82
Friday, February 19, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 19 de febrero
HW: Memorize and practice saying your poem to describe where things are located.
delante, detrás
cerca y lejos
y algo más;
abajo, arriba
enfrente, encima
y ahora
se acaba la rima.
8th Grade Spanish - el 19 de febrero
HW: Get caught up on conjuguemos activities
Reminder: Team Members: Practice for World Language Festival is on Thursdays from 3 to 3:45 p.m. Please practice your speeches, poems, skits, songs, trivia, etc. to prepare.
Reminder: Team Members: Practice for World Language Festival is on Thursdays from 3 to 3:45 p.m. Please practice your speeches, poems, skits, songs, trivia, etc. to prepare.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 16 de febrero
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 3 - Clothing I Like
Reminder: Test next class on vocab (El Centro Comercial and La Ropa), stem-changing verbs, and describing "likes"
Make sure all worksheets from p. 105 to 118 are completed, in order, and ready to turn in
Reminder: Test next class on vocab (El Centro Comercial and La Ropa), stem-changing verbs, and describing "likes"
Make sure all worksheets from p. 105 to 118 are completed, in order, and ready to turn in
7th Grade Spanish - el 16 de febrero
HW: Review for vocabulary test next class on "La Vivienda" and "Los Muebles" sections
Reminder: Make sure you finish the crossword puzzle and finish all worksheets from p. 67 to 78. Worksheets should be in order and ready to turn in.
Reminder: Make sure you finish the crossword puzzle and finish all worksheets from p. 67 to 78. Worksheets should be in order and ready to turn in.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 11 de febrero
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 3 - La Ropa
Reminder: finish the crossword (El Centro Comercial) and the mapping activity (Ropa in center of page, 4 seasons branch out from "ropa" and 20 clothing items you associate with the seasons) and have ready to turn in.
Reminder: finish the crossword (El Centro Comercial) and the mapping activity (Ropa in center of page, 4 seasons branch out from "ropa" and 20 clothing items you associate with the seasons) and have ready to turn in.
7th Grade Spanish - el 11 de febrero
HW: Make flashcards for "Los Muebles" vocab. To get full credit, cards must be written clearly, spelled correctly, and cut into an appropriate size to save and study from.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 5 de febrero
HW: Take this opportunity to use the conjuguemos.com website to practice vocabulary and complete the 2 previously assigned activities: Possessive pronouns and Sentences describing people.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
World Language Festival - 8th Graders!!!!
Our first practice for the World Language Festival to be held on Saturday, March 5th at Wolfson High School will be on Thursday, February 4th after school in the Spanish classroom. If you are one of the 20 students participating, please bring your signed permission slip and $10 registration fee on Thursday. Practice will end at 3:45 and students should be picked up on Thacker Ave. at that time.
8th Grade Spanish - el 3 de febrero
HW: conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 3 - El centro comercial
(make sure that you do a minimum of 20 tries and have a score of 80% or higher)
If you want to work ahead....
Next HW assignment is conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 3 - stem-changing verbs
(make sure that you do a minimum of 20 tries and have a score of 80% or higher)
If you want to work ahead....
Next HW assignment is conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 3 - stem-changing verbs
7th Grade Spanish - el 3 de febrero
HW: Make flashcards for new vocab - La Vivienda (English word on one side and Spanish word on the other side). Study the voccab.
Monday, February 1, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 1 de febrero
HW: workbook p. 108-112
Reminder: Practices for the World Language Festival will be on Thursdays from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Spanish classroom. Students should make arrangements to be picked up in the front of school at 3:45 p.m. Please make sure you bring your completed permission slip and $10 registration fee.
Reminder: Practices for the World Language Festival will be on Thursdays from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Spanish classroom. Students should make arrangements to be picked up in the front of school at 3:45 p.m. Please make sure you bring your completed permission slip and $10 registration fee.
7th Grade Spanish - el 1 de febrero
HW: Use www.conjuguemos.com to complete the activity titled "Santillana - Unidad 1: Sentences describing people"
Reminder: Finish workbook p. 69 and 70 if you did not finish in class.
Reminder: Finish workbook p. 69 and 70 if you did not finish in class.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 28 de enero
HW: Complete p. 67 and 68 (if not already finished in class)
Do the "Santillana - Unidad 1 - possessive pronouns" activity on www.conjuguemos.com
Practice your introduction speech (if you have not yet presented it to the class)
Do the "Santillana - Unidad 1 - possessive pronouns" activity on www.conjuguemos.com
Practice your introduction speech (if you have not yet presented it to the class)
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 27 de enero
HW: Make sure all worksheets thru p. 98 are completed and ready to hand in
7th Grade Spanish - el 27 de enero
HW: Work on introduction speeches / Make sure your workbook pages for Unit 1 are completed and ready to hand in
Thursday, January 21, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 21 de enero
HW: workbook p. 93-98
Test on Unidad 2 - Parte B: Dia A - el 26 de enero (Tuesday) / Dia B - el 27 de enero (Wednesday)
Review vocabulary to describe domestic tasks, leisure activities, frequency words, how to conjugate -ar, -er, -ir verbs in present tense, and how to express obligation or talk about what you feel like doing. Use the www.conjuguemos.com website to practice vocab.
Test on Unidad 2 - Parte B: Dia A - el 26 de enero (Tuesday) / Dia B - el 27 de enero (Wednesday)
Review vocabulary to describe domestic tasks, leisure activities, frequency words, how to conjugate -ar, -er, -ir verbs in present tense, and how to express obligation or talk about what you feel like doing. Use the www.conjuguemos.com website to practice vocab.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 19 de enero
HW: Start working on your introduction speech
Spanish Introduction Speech – 7th Grade
Standard: Students provide basic information about
themselves in Spanish using simple sentences and phrases.
Task: You will present a speech introducing yourself
to the class in Spanish without the use of notes. In place of notes, you will use pictures,
props or costumes. You may NOT use
any words on your power point except
your name and city or state you are from.
___Greeting ___ Favorite
___Name ___ Favorite season
from ___ 2 Characteristics of your physical
___Age ___ 2
Characteristics of your personality
(date) ___ 1
Characteristic you are NOT
___ Closing
(Pleased to meet you/That’s me!)
A =
47/50: Included all required content,
used correct vocabulary and grammar, used correct pronunciation, used props,
pictures, costume, or power point as aids, showed evidence of planning,
organization, and preparation.
B =
42/50: Some problems with required
content, pronunciation, props/pictures, etc., organization or preparation, but
basic requirements of speech are present
C =
37/50: Many problems with required
content, pronunciation, props/pictures, organization or preparation, but meets
most of the requirements
D =
30/50: Struggled through speech,
needed a lot of prompting, seemed unprepared, needed more
practice, lacked preparation, unorganized, missing required elements
+ 1,
2 or 3 – Bonus Points: Stand out
performance, unique and creative presentation
Final Grade
below a minimum level of competency in each area will either redo project or
will receive a score appropriate to the skill level demonstrated.
CAUTION: Do NOT write your speech in English and then use an
online translator to covert the speech into Spanish.
DO use your class notes to write your speech.
The goal of the assignment is to use the vocabulary we have
learned in class so far this year. ONLY words from the class vocabulary
lists may be used in your speech UNLESS PRE-APPROVED.
Remember, you want your speech to be understood by everyone else
in the class, so they also must be familiar with the vocabulary you use.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 14 de enero
Next Test - A- Day - Tuesday, Jan. 19th / B-Day - Wednesday, Jan. 20th
Review how to use possessive pronouns, forms of the verbs "ser," "tener," and "estar" (see your grammar notes sheet). Also review vocabulary to make descriptions and describe feelings. Make sure you know when to use "es" and "está" when writing descriptions or describing feelings.
To prepare for you test, complete the Santillana activity on feelings. This will count as a homework grade. Don't forget to submit your results to get credit.
Review how to use possessive pronouns, forms of the verbs "ser," "tener," and "estar" (see your grammar notes sheet). Also review vocabulary to make descriptions and describe feelings. Make sure you know when to use "es" and "está" when writing descriptions or describing feelings.
To prepare for you test, complete the Santillana activity on feelings. This will count as a homework grade. Don't forget to submit your results to get credit.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
7th Grade Spanish - el 12 de enero
HW: Complete the following activity on www.conjuguemos.com "Opening of Class-Practice 1"
Remember to do a minimum of 20 questions. Keep working until you have a score of 80% or above.
Password and Username are both "1516 + your first name" in most cases.
Remember to do a minimum of 20 questions. Keep working until you have a score of 80% or above.
Password and Username are both "1516 + your first name" in most cases.
Friday, January 8, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 8 de enero
HW: Study for test on Unit 2 vocab to include buildings, rooms, furnishings and forms of verbs "ser," "tener," "estar." Use the www.conjuguemos.com website to help you review.
A Day - Tuesday, 1/12/16 B Day - Wednesday, 1/13/16
A Day - Tuesday, 1/12/16 B Day - Wednesday, 1/13/16
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
8th Grade Spanish - el 6 de enero
HW: Try giving your parents a tour of your house and its furnishings in Spanish. It doesn't matter is they don't understand what you say....just practice and let them hear some of the vocab that you have been working on.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
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