Monday, May 25, 2009

End of Year Fiestas on Wednesday - June 3rd

Everyone should be searching for a recipe to prepare for the "Fiestas" on Wednesday, June 3rd. This is your opportunity to try something new and explore some of the foods and drinks from Spanish-speaking countries. Arroz con Pollo (Chicken and Rice, Empanadas (small beef or chicken pies) and Flan (a custard dessert) are some of my favorites. Just "Google" "Spanish Recipes" and you will find a ton of great ideas....appetizers, salads, vegetables, main dishes, desserts, or drinks. Find something you would like to try.

The plan is to bring your dish to the cafeteria before school on the morning of June 3rd. I will be there from 7:15 a.m. to 7:35 a.m. We will be able to use one of the cafeteria refrigerators to store your food if it needs to be kept cold.

The 2nd period 6th grade class will go down to the cafeteria during the regular class time for their "Fiesta." The 8th grade Spanish classes will meet as usual in your classrooms for 3rd, 4th, and 5th periods to make decorations and prepare for the party. The 6th period Spanish class will meet in the cafeteria along with the other 8th grade classes during 6th period for the "Fiesta."

Everyone should be prepared to help with clean-up and to take their leftovers home at the end of the day.

This should be a really fun opportunity to socialize with all the 8th graders and get a "taste" of a little Spanish culture.

Any parents or guardians who would like to volunteer to help with the party should e-mail me at

Friday, May 22, 2009

Final Exam - Friday - May 29th

Students received a "Final Exam Study Guide" yesterday and are encouraged to begin reviewing vocabulary and notes to prepare for the exam next Friday. All of the vocabulary words are posted in the files as well as a list of trivia notes.

The exam will have both an oral and a written section. For the oral section, I will spell words using the Spanish alphabet and say number combinations such as "249." Students must write the correct word or number. The written section will have 10 true-false and 40 multiple choice questions based on vocabulary, grammar, and trivia.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Grade 8 - Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday - May 19th

Be sure to review your vocabulary lists on "Las Actividades" to prepare for a test on Tuesday (May 19th). This is your first test that matches Spanish with Spanish. For example, you might match "hablar" with "por teléfono" to create a phrase that makes sense in Spanish. (Answer = to talk on the phone)

Monday, May 11, 2009

New Vocabulary on Activities/Quiz on Friday for Grade 6

Hola! I introduced some new vocabulary on how to describe various activities in Spanish on Friday. Students should have written these phrases in their notes today and can consult the files to check for correct spelling. The 6th grade class will have a quiz on these phrases on Friday. 8th grade classes will have a quiz next week due to changes in scheduling this week for 8th grade activities.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Test on Telling Time - Friday

Students should be practicing how to tell time in Spanish to prepare for a test on Friday. Tonight you should make 4 clocks with various times. We will use these to practice for the test on Friday. Be sure to ask questions during class if you are confused or feel unprepared for the test.

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Vocabulary List on Telling Time

Today students learned the basics of how to tell time in Spanish. It's important to feel comfortable with numbers 1-59 in order to tell time, so you may want to review your numbers as well. See the files for a list of vocabulary.

We are also starting group projects to present newscasts in Spanish. Today students selected their groups and the Spanish-speaking country from which they will "broadcast." Each day we will work about 20 minutes on preparing the scripts and graphics. Each broadcast is required to have a news item, weather forecast, and a commercial. Once those are approved, groups will practice and then present their newscasts for the class. I'm looking forward to seeing how what we've learned this semester can be pulled together to create some entertaining programs!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Last Salsa Club Meeting Changed to Thursday 5/7!

Please note that the last Salsa Club meeting for the year has been changed to Thursday, May 7th. A faculty meeting was already scheduled for Wednesday, so I hope everyone will still be able to attend on the new date. Don't forget to bring your "healthy snacks" and arrange to be picked up by 4:00 p.m. in front of the school. ¡Hasta jueves!