Monday, December 18, 2017
7th Grade Spanish
Reminder: all work for 2nd Quarter must be completed and turned in by Wednesday, December 18th. This includes your introduction speech, Bell Ringers #26-30 and workbook pages 29-42.
8th Grade Spanish
Reminder: make sure all work is turned in by Wednesday , December 18th (last day of 2nd quarter)
This includes Bell Ringers #31-35 and workbook pages 119-126.
This includes Bell Ringers #31-35 and workbook pages 119-126.
Friday, December 15, 2017
7th Grade Spanish
HW: make sure workbook pages 29-42 are completed and have them ready to turn in on Monday (A day - 12/18) or B Day (Tuesday - 12/19).
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - Next Test
HW: Be prepared to present your introduction speech on your assigned day.
Reminder: The written test on Unidad 1 (Part A) will be next Tuesday, December 12th (A Day) or next Wednesday, December 13th (B Day). The test will cover the vocabulary on the first 1 1/2 pages of your vocabulary list (presentations, persons, and family members) and the first 2 sections of your grammar notes (pronouns and the verb "ser").
Reminder: The written test on Unidad 1 (Part A) will be next Tuesday, December 12th (A Day) or next Wednesday, December 13th (B Day). The test will cover the vocabulary on the first 1 1/2 pages of your vocabulary list (presentations, persons, and family members) and the first 2 sections of your grammar notes (pronouns and the verb "ser").
8th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos - #37 - Comparisons
Reminder: Students who have not yet completed the first 80 points of the "Aventuras de Isabela" project should sign out a book and make sure they have completed the 10 summaries for the chapters, 20 questions in Spanish, and cover for the project by Tuesday, December 12th (A Day) and Wednesday, December 13th (B Day). Check the FILES (left side of blog) for a more complete description of the project requirements.
Reminder: Students who have not yet completed the first 80 points of the "Aventuras de Isabela" project should sign out a book and make sure they have completed the 10 summaries for the chapters, 20 questions in Spanish, and cover for the project by Tuesday, December 12th (A Day) and Wednesday, December 13th (B Day). Check the FILES (left side of blog) for a more complete description of the project requirements.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Thursday, November 30, 2017
7th Grade Spanish
HW: prepare and practice introduction speech - see FILES on left for copy of rubric/requirements
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
7th Grade Spanish
No HW...make sure all bell ringers up to #25 are turned in, workbook pages up to p 28
8th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos -#32-Location of items
Test next on Friday/Monday on Unidad 2 Review
Test next on Friday/Monday on Unidad 2 Review
Monday, November 13, 2017
7th Grade Spanish
HW: review for test on weather, seasons, telling time, school schedule, days and dates
8th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos - #34-Tareas Domésticas
Next Test = Review Test #3 (Yo Puedo list #22-29) This test basically covers Santillana Unidad 2
A Day - Friday - Nov 17 & B Day - Monday - Nov 20
Next Test = Review Test #3 (Yo Puedo list #22-29) This test basically covers Santillana Unidad 2
A Day - Friday - Nov 17 & B Day - Monday - Nov 20
Thursday, November 9, 2017
7th Grade - Next Test
Next written Test - A Day - Wednesday - 11/15....B Day - Thursday - 11/16...test covers weather, seasons, telling time (so review your numbers), days, dates, school schedule. Use Conjuguemos activities for more practice.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Monday, November 6, 2017
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
7th Grade
HW: Conjuguemos - Ordinal numbers
Next test - speaking test - be able to say days, months, ordinal numbers, and tell time
A Day - test on Nov 2nd / B Day - test on Nov 3rd
Friday, October 27, 2017
A Day - 8th Grade
HW: Conjuguemos - Activities you like to do
next Test: A Day - Thursday - Nov 2nd
B Day - Friday - Nov 3rd
(Covers numbers 14-21 on "Yo puedo" list + describing activities you like yo do
next Test: A Day - Thursday - Nov 2nd
B Day - Friday - Nov 3rd
(Covers numbers 14-21 on "Yo puedo" list + describing activities you like yo do
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Friday, October 20, 2017
8 th Grade Spanish Fiestas
Reminder to bring in your items for our fiestas before school on your designated days. I will be in the classroom by 7:30 am each morning.
Per 1A- Monday - 10/23
Per 2A- Wednesday - 10/25
Per 7B-Tuesday - 10/24
Per 1A- Monday - 10/23
Per 2A- Wednesday - 10/25
Per 7B-Tuesday - 10/24
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
A Day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos - CC 4-the Classroom
Next Test- written test on numbers 0 -100 and classroom items
A Day on Mon 10/23 and B Day on Tues. 10/24
Next Test- written test on numbers 0 -100 and classroom items
A Day on Mon 10/23 and B Day on Tues. 10/24
A Day - 8th Grade Spanish
HW: prepare for test to retell the story of Felipe and Maria. Review vocabulary using Conjuguemos activities.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
A Day - 7th Grade Spanish
Please turn in ASAP so I can finalize your grade for this quarter:
*Workbook p. 7-20
* Calendar project (including rubric, calendar for your birth month in Spanish, and report on a Spanish holiday in your birth month)
*Crossword and Word Find on the calendar words
*Workbook p. 7-20
* Calendar project (including rubric, calendar for your birth month in Spanish, and report on a Spanish holiday in your birth month)
*Crossword and Word Find on the calendar words
A Day - 8th Grade Spanish
Please be sure to get in all work to finish up this first quarter. Bell Ringers (Para empezar #11-15) and the 10 summaries for the Episodios stories should be turned in ASAP! Also, you must turn in a copy of your newscast script to receive 25 points toward that project.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
A Day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: complete calendar project and report on Spanish holiday in your birth month. Click on "All Files" on left for project requirements. Due next class.
Monday, October 2, 2017
A Day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: prepare calendar project - includes report on a Spanish holiday.
A day - due Friday 10/6
B day - due Monday 10/9
A day - due Friday 10/6
B day - due Monday 10/9
A day - 8th Grade Spanish
HW: be prepared to present newscasts / every person in your group must turn in a script (hand written except for one person in each group)
Thursday, September 28, 2017
A Day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: Review for numbers test. Be able to say numbers 0 to 20, and count by ten's to 100. You should also have an answer for the question ¿Cómo estás?
Students attending the Driftwood Field Trip should be prepared to take the test when they return to class. Calendar Projects are also due on Oct 6 - A Day and Oct 9 - B Day. See FILES for a copy of the project and template for calendar.
Students attending the Driftwood Field Trip should be prepared to take the test when they return to class. Calendar Projects are also due on Oct 6 - A Day and Oct 9 - B Day. See FILES for a copy of the project and template for calendar.
A Day - 8th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - La Familia
( plus, complete "School Schedule" if not already completed)
( plus, complete "School Schedule" if not already completed)
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
A day - 8th grade Spanish
HW: test next class on story-telling vocsb list / challenge someone to a "tug of war" on Conjuguemos to practice your words.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
A day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos - Numbers 0-20
Reminder: your password and user name are usually 1718 + your first name
Be sure to do at least 30 questions and to SEND the scores.
Reminder: your password and user name are usually 1718 + your first name
Be sure to do at least 30 questions and to SEND the scores.
A day - 8th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos - Episodios - Part 2
Test on story-telling vocab on 9/26- A day and 9/27-B day
Test on story-telling vocab on 9/26- A day and 9/27-B day
Monday, September 18, 2017
A day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: complete workbook pages 9 to 12
Reminder: Finish the crossword and word find on social expressions and turn in next class in the "Trabajo" bin on the right as you come in the door.
Reminder: Finish the crossword and word find on social expressions and turn in next class in the "Trabajo" bin on the right as you come in the door.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Hurricane Irma
Dear students and families,
I hope that you are well into the recovery process from the hurricane and are safe and sound. Fortunately, I only experienced a loss of power for 24 hours and a yard full of fallen branches and debris.
When we return to school, we will pick up where we left off with tests as planned. But we will certainly work around any problems with school attendance, etc. due to the hurricane.
I have missed seeing everyone!
Sra. Dennis
I hope that you are well into the recovery process from the hurricane and are safe and sound. Fortunately, I only experienced a loss of power for 24 hours and a yard full of fallen branches and debris.
When we return to school, we will pick up where we left off with tests as planned. But we will certainly work around any problems with school attendance, etc. due to the hurricane.
I have missed seeing everyone!
Sra. Dennis
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
A day - 7 th Grade Spanish
Next Test:
A day - Friday 9/8
B day - Monday 9/11
Test covers countries, capitals, and locations of places where Spanish is spoken, spelling countries from dictation using Spanish alphabet, and vocabulary list of social expressions (Crash Course 2 & 3. You should be able to go from English to Spanish.
Use Conjuguemos to help you practice. Reminder... Your login and user are usually "1718 + first name."
A day - Friday 9/8
B day - Monday 9/11
Test covers countries, capitals, and locations of places where Spanish is spoken, spelling countries from dictation using Spanish alphabet, and vocabulary list of social expressions (Crash Course 2 & 3. You should be able to go from English to Spanish.
Use Conjuguemos to help you practice. Reminder... Your login and user are usually "1718 + first name."
A day - 8th Grade Spanish
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - CC9 - Weather and Seasons
Review for test:
A day - Friday - 9/8
B day - Monday - 9/11
Test covers "Yo puedo" skills #1-13.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
B day - 7th grade Spanish
HW: just a reminder to complete Activities A and B on your worksheet by 9/5
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
A day - 7th grade Spanish
HW: Don't wait til the last minute! Study your names of Spanish-speaking countries, capitals, and locations, plus vocabulary (CC2 &3 - social expressions). Next test ...
A day - Friday - September 8th
B day - Monday - September 11th
A day - Friday - September 8th
B day - Monday - September 11th
Monday, August 28, 2017
A day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: complete the cartoon started in class and complete first side of worksheet
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
A day - 7th Grade Spanish
HW: Study for your alphabet test ... Make sure that you also know how to answer the question ¿Cómo te llamas?" with your new Spanish name /How to ask "And you?" to an adult / and how to say "Pleased to meet you."
A day test on Monday, August 28th
B day test on Tuesday, August 29th
A day test on Monday, August 28th
B day test on Tuesday, August 29th
Friday, August 18, 2017
A-day 8th Grade Spanish
HW: conjuguemos - santillana - CC 2 & 3. (Reminder: do at least 30 questions and click on Record Score to submit your grade.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
A Day: 7th Grade Spanish
HW: memorize the poem
Arbolito de Perú
Me llamo ......
¿Cómo te llamas tù?
Arbolito de Perú
Me llamo ......
¿Cómo te llamas tù?
A-day: 8th Grade Spanish
HW: Make a graphic depiction on 8 1/2 x 11 paper of 5 reasons to study Spanish. At least one of your reasons should include a statistic.
A Day - due 8/18. B Day - due 8/21
A Day - due 8/18. B Day - due 8/21
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Back to School!

It's been a great summer, but seeing all the school supplies stocked on the store shelves is making me realize that it's time to start thinking about the new school year. If you are out shopping for school supplies, here is what you will need for Spanish class this year:
-one inch, three ring binder
-5 tab dividers
-lined loose leaf paper
-pencils or pens (blue or black ink)
-colored pencils (for projects)
-red pens (for writing corrections)
-flash drive (to save presentations, etc.)
* You may also like to have your own scissors, glue stick, tape, stapler and hole punch, but these are also available for use in the classroom.
Parents:, we could also use boxes of tissue and hand sanitizer. Please feel free to drop these off any time throughout the school year!😃
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 23 de mayo
Our Salsa de Mayo party is Wednesday the 24th. Bring in your food items, etc before school. See you at 2 pm in the cafeteria for the party! Parents can pick up by the cafeteria at 4:00 pm.
Friday, May 19, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 19 de mayo
HW: reminder to finish store drawing begun in class
Create a storefront or an ad featuring one or more types of clothing or footwear products. Include a chart with days of week in Spanish and store hours. At least one day the store should be closed or cerrado. Decorate appropriately.
Create a storefront or an ad featuring one or more types of clothing or footwear products. Include a chart with days of week in Spanish and store hours. At least one day the store should be closed or cerrado. Decorate appropriately.
Friday, May 12, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 12 de mayo
HW: reminder to turn in movie permit. Be ready to present mini-project - describing what someone wears- practice reading aloud for fluency- make sure you edit forcorrect vocab, spelling, etc.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 9 de mayo
Next Test - A-Day - Mon. , May 15th / B-day - Tues., May 16th
Review parts of body, personal hygiene items, reflexive verbs and be able to describe what hurts and how feel
Review parts of body, personal hygiene items, reflexive verbs and be able to describe what hurts and how feel
7th Grade Spanish - el 9 de mayo
Next unit test- A-Day - May 17th / B - Day - May 18th
To prepare, review vocabulary frequency words (never, always, etc), stores, clothing, footwear, and colors. Be able to use the verbs Llevar and IR and describe what people wear, where go to shop and what are going to buy. Also, be able to say when stores open and close.
To prepare, review vocabulary frequency words (never, always, etc), stores, clothing, footwear, and colors. Be able to use the verbs Llevar and IR and describe what people wear, where go to shop and what are going to buy. Also, be able to say when stores open and close.
Friday, May 5, 2017
7th and 8th Grade Spanish - el 5 de mayo
HW: review for EOC - use vocabulary notes, grammar notes, culture notes and the Conjuguemos website to help you review.
A Day - test on Tues. - May 9th
B Day - test on Wed. - May 10th
A Day - test on Tues. - May 9th
B Day - test on Wed. - May 10th
Thursday, May 4, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 4 de mayo
HW: Turn in Salsa de Mayo permit
Review for EOC by going over vocab notes for each unit and by using Conjuguemos activities.
Review for EOC by going over vocab notes for each unit and by using Conjuguemos activities.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Monday, May 1, 2017
8th grade Spanish - el 1 de mayo
HW: turn in Salsa de Mayo permit / review all vacancy for EOC using vocabulary notes or Conjuguemos
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 26 de abril - Día A
No´s a good idea to start reviewing for the end of course exam by going over all of your vocabulary lists or by reviewing vocab with Conjuguemos activities.
Día A Exam on May 9th and Día B Exam on May 10th
Día A Exam on May 9th and Día B Exam on May 10th
8th Grade Spanish - el 26 de abril - Dia A
HW: Crossword and Word Find on Partes del cuerpo and Hygiene personal
Monday, April 24, 2017
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 11 de abril - Día A
HW: Write a list of 10 sentences in Spanish explaining what you have to do. Use a different ordinal number to start each sentence (1st, 2nd, etc) and the "yo" form.
Friday, April 7, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 7 de abril - Día A
HW: Draw a line across middle of paper. On top half draw a picture of a "monster." On bottom half write a description in Spanish of the monster that includes its name, where it lives, age, its body parts and how many and size or location of each, and what it likes to do.
7th Grade Spanish - el 7 de abril - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 2 - Frecuency words + finish class work - pages 93-98 in workbook
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
7th and 8th grade Spanish - el 5 de abril - Día A
Reminder - Per 3A and Per 7B - bring movie permits
Reminder - Per 3A and Per 7B - bring movie permits
Monday, April 3, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 3 de abril - Día A
HW: Review for test on locations, verbs, and conjugation of verbs
Thursday, March 30, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 29 de marzo - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 2- Verb Practice ... Do the "graded practice and send scores - must do at least 30 problems
Next Test: A Day-Wednesday-April 5th / B Day - Thursday - April 6th
Unidad 2- Location words, verbs and conjugations
Next Test: A Day-Wednesday-April 5th / B Day - Thursday - April 6th
Unidad 2- Location words, verbs and conjugations
8th Grade Spanish - el 29 de marzo - Día A
HW: have skit performance ready /
If not completed in class, finish p 177-182 in workbook.
If not completed in class, finish p 177-182 in workbook.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 28 de marzo - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 5 - Partes del cuerpo
reminder - skits are due next week (April 3 & 4)
reminder - skits are due next week (April 3 & 4)
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Friday, March 10, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 10 de marzo
HW: work on restaurant skits
Reminder: end of quarter is 3/16. Get in make-up work, etc.
Hora 8B- Unit 4 test is on Mon. See below for more info.
Reminder: end of quarter is 3/16. Get in make-up work, etc.
Hora 8B- Unit 4 test is on Mon. See below for more info.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 8 de marzo
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 2 - Location of Items
Also, complete workbook pages 80, 81,82 if not finished in class.
Also, complete workbook pages 80, 81,82 if not finished in class.
8th Grade Spanish - el 8 de marzo
HW: brainstorm skit ideas
Reminder- recycle tests are given on Thursday at 3:00 pm.
Reminder- recycle tests are given on Thursday at 3:00 pm.
Monday, March 6, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 6 de marzo - Día A
Prepare your "Casa Ideal" project and be ready to answer questions about the house. See previous post for instructions
8th Grade Spanish - el 6 de marzo - Día A
Review for test. See previous post.
Make sure all workbook pages from p 155 to p 167 are completed and ready to turn in.
Make sure all workbook pages from p 155 to p 167 are completed and ready to turn in.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 2 marzo- Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 4 - More Verb Practice (updated version contains e to i irregular verbs)/Be sure to submit the regular activity for a HW grade. Then you can use the games for additional practice.
Next Test: Unidad 4 - A Day - Wednesday, March 8th / B Day - Thursday, March 9th
Review all vocab including foods, drinks, places to buy food, verbs (cocinar, cortar, mezclar, preparar, probar, comer, beber, poner la mesa, limpiar, hacer, traer, servir, pedir, repetir), items in a table setting, flavors of foods, and direct and indirect object pronouns
Online textbook activities at and are great ways to review.
Next Test: Unidad 4 - A Day - Wednesday, March 8th / B Day - Thursday, March 9th
Review all vocab including foods, drinks, places to buy food, verbs (cocinar, cortar, mezclar, preparar, probar, comer, beber, poner la mesa, limpiar, hacer, traer, servir, pedir, repetir), items in a table setting, flavors of foods, and direct and indirect object pronouns
Online textbook activities at and are great ways to review.
7th Grade Spanish - el 2 de marzo- Día A
HW: work on your "Casa Ideal" project - due Wed 3/8 for A Day and Thurs 3/9 for B Day
Task: Create your “ideal
house” in paper form. The house must
include at least 5 rooms or spaces and each room or space must have at least 3
items. All of your choices should be
vocabulary taken from the Santillana –
Unidad 2 vocabulary list. You may
draw the items or cut and paste pictures. Write a minimum 7-sentence paragraph in Spanish describing the house, rooms, and furnishings. The house will also be used in a conversation in Spanish with the teacher. You must be able to answer the following questions:
____ ¿Dónde está la casa?
____ ¿Cuántos … hay? (cuartos, dormitorios, etc.)
____ ¿Cόmo es la casa?
____ ¿Cuál es tu cuarto favorito?
____ ¿Qué hay en el/la …? (sala, cocina, etc.)
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 28 de febrero - Día A
HW: Review for test on vocabulary to describe rooms, parts of houses and buildings, and furniture and items in rooms.
Media Center Fund Raiser
Friends of Landon will be conducting a fundraising campaign Feb 27 – Mar 3 to transform the current media center into a 21st century collaborative Learning Commons. The fundraising goal is $12,000. Friends of Landon will be accepting cash and checks on campus and online through the FOL website (
Students are also having a campaign during lunch times. Just bring in your spare change. It all adds up!!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2017
World Language Festival Results!
Congratulations to the Spanish and French students who
participated in the World Language Festival held at Terry Parker H.S. on
Ben H. took 1st
place in the Spanish 1 vocabulary bee and Panita R. received a Superior
rating for her art project on Spanish dances.
Franchesca S. and Shivani V. received Superior ratings for their poetry recitation and Matthew B., Kaitlyn P., Marisa N., Jasmin J., Sarah S., and Tabitha H. received Superior ratings in impromptu speaking in Spanish. Rey Rochester received an Excellent rating
and Nathan Goyal received a Good rating also in the Spanish impromptu category.
special thanks to Savannah LeNoble as captain of our Spanish trivia team and to
Gabe Singleton who lead our Amazing International Team to a 4th
place out of 21 teams…just missing a bronze medal by 2 seconds.
A big “Gracias” to Matthew B.'s mom as our chaperone and to our Spanish intern Mrs. Sudderth for assisting in preparing students for the competition and participating as a judge at the
I am so proud of all of our JLCP students! ¡Buen Trabajo!
Friday, February 24, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 24 de febrero - Día A
HW: Complete all workbook pages from p 67-78.
Next Test: Día A - Thurs. March 2nd / Día B - Friday- March 3rd
- Unidad 2 - vocabulary - "la Vivienda" and "Los muebles"
Next Test: Día A - Thurs. March 2nd / Día B - Friday- March 3rd
- Unidad 2 - vocabulary - "la Vivienda" and "Los muebles"
8th Grade Spanish- el 24 de febrero - Día A
HW: practice verbs with Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 4 - "More Verb Practice" - Batalla de Barcos / Battleship game
Friday, February 17, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 17 de febrero - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Santillana - Unidad 2 - Furniture + finish workbook p. 69-70.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 15 de febrero - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos - Unidad 4 - First person irregular verbs
Monday, February 13, 2017
7th Grade
HW: review new vocabulary on living spaces
Reminder: workbook pages 43-64 should be turned in.
Reminder: workbook pages 43-64 should be turned in.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 9 de febrero - Día A
HW: workbook p 63-64
Reminder: make sure all workbook pages from p. 43 to p 64 are completed, corrected, in order, and ready to turn in next class.
Reminder: make sure all workbook pages from p. 43 to p 64 are completed, corrected, in order, and ready to turn in next class.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Friday, February 3, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 3 de febrero - Día A
HW: workbook p 57-58. + review for test on Unit 1 vocabulary (descriptions and feelings, verbs "tener," "estar," "ser" and possessive pronouns)
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 30 de enero - Día A
HW: 1/2 sheet worksheet on possessive pronouns + 5 sentences in Spanish on back using 5 different possessive pronouns ( example: I have my books.)
Thursday, January 26, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 26 de enero - Día A
HW: Conjuguemos- Unidad 4 - Comidas - Parte 3
Review for test (see below)
Review for test (see below)
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 25 de enero
HW: work on menu / review for next test
Test - A-Day: Monday, Jan. 30th
B-Day: Tuesday, Jan. 31st
You should be able to write the words in Spanish to describe foods, drinks, names of the different meals, and names of stores where you purchase food. You should also be able to use the verb "gustar" to describe how much you like certain foods and should be able to answer basic questions about purchasing food (where do you go to buy....?/ how much is ...? ).
Menu Due - A Day: Wed., Feb. 1st
B Day: Thurs., Feb. 2nd
Test - A-Day: Monday, Jan. 30th
B-Day: Tuesday, Jan. 31st
You should be able to write the words in Spanish to describe foods, drinks, names of the different meals, and names of stores where you purchase food. You should also be able to use the verb "gustar" to describe how much you like certain foods and should be able to answer basic questions about purchasing food (where do you go to buy....?/ how much is ...? ).
Menu Due - A Day: Wed., Feb. 1st
B Day: Thurs., Feb. 2nd
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Spanish Homework Grades
PLEASE NOTE: Once grades are put into Focus for the Conjuguemos homework assignments, grades will NOT be revised to accommodate students who, at the last minute, want to boost their grades at the end of the quarter by completing homework that was assigned earlier in the quarter. The website will always be available as a practice tool. However, as a homework grade, the activities must be completed on time.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Friday, January 13, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 13 de enero - Día A
HW: review for test - see previous post
finish workbook page 43
finish workbook page 43
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 11 de enero - Día A
HW: Complete workbook pages 29-42. These should be ready to turn in at the beginning of class.
Next Test: A-Day on Wednesday, January 18th
B-Day on Thursday, January 19th
Next Test: A-Day on Wednesday, January 18th
B-Day on Thursday, January 19th
- * pronouns
(yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, nosotras, ustedes, ellos, ellas)
- * descriptions vocab (personality and physical)
- * using correct form of descriptive words (sg., pl.,
masc., fem.)
- * forms
of “tener” – to have (tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tienen)
Monday, January 9, 2017
7th Grade Spanish - el 9 de enero - Día A
HW: Finish worksheet - Unit 1 - ¿cómo soy yo? - descriptions
Sunday, January 8, 2017
8th Grade Spanish - el 8 de enero
Review Test #4: A-Day on Friday, January 13th
B-Day on Tuesday, January 17th
B-Day on Tuesday, January 17th
You should be able to...
talk about going shopping in various types of stores (U3)
conjugate “e to ie” stem-changing verbs (cerrar,entender,
querer) (U3)
name different items of clothing someone wears (U3)
4. use
the verb “gustar” to describe likes and dislikes (U3)
5. conjugate “o to ue” stem-changing verbs
(costar, poder) (U3)
Interactivo: páginas 20, 21, 22, (-AR
28 (-ER/-IR
30, 31
32, 33 (IR
– to go)
Conjuguemos: Actividades #3,
31, 34, 37, 38
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