Monday, May 25, 2009

End of Year Fiestas on Wednesday - June 3rd

Everyone should be searching for a recipe to prepare for the "Fiestas" on Wednesday, June 3rd. This is your opportunity to try something new and explore some of the foods and drinks from Spanish-speaking countries. Arroz con Pollo (Chicken and Rice, Empanadas (small beef or chicken pies) and Flan (a custard dessert) are some of my favorites. Just "Google" "Spanish Recipes" and you will find a ton of great ideas....appetizers, salads, vegetables, main dishes, desserts, or drinks. Find something you would like to try.

The plan is to bring your dish to the cafeteria before school on the morning of June 3rd. I will be there from 7:15 a.m. to 7:35 a.m. We will be able to use one of the cafeteria refrigerators to store your food if it needs to be kept cold.

The 2nd period 6th grade class will go down to the cafeteria during the regular class time for their "Fiesta." The 8th grade Spanish classes will meet as usual in your classrooms for 3rd, 4th, and 5th periods to make decorations and prepare for the party. The 6th period Spanish class will meet in the cafeteria along with the other 8th grade classes during 6th period for the "Fiesta."

Everyone should be prepared to help with clean-up and to take their leftovers home at the end of the day.

This should be a really fun opportunity to socialize with all the 8th graders and get a "taste" of a little Spanish culture.

Any parents or guardians who would like to volunteer to help with the party should e-mail me at

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