Thursday, April 14, 2011

6th Grade Spanish - April 14th - Tests, HW, & Project

Students in 6th Grade Spanish should review their vocabulary lists on items in the classroom to prepare for a test on Monday, April 19th. Use your flashcards to practice going from the picture to the Spanish word. Then complete the crossword puzzle to give you further practice and preparation for the test. The crossword puzzle is due on Monday.

If you were not able to finish the Spanish ad project in class, see the explanation below and make sure your project is completed by Monday.

Spanish Ad:

Students should use words from their "La Clase" vocabulary list to create an ad for a store in Spanish. The ad should contain at least 5 different items for sale, a picture of each item, the item labeled in Spanish, and the price in Mexican pesos. Use an exchange rate of 12 pesos equals one U.S. dollar.

To receive all points for the project, words should be spelled correctly, the prices should make sense, and the overall project should be neat, colorful and visually pleasing.

The following are some extra words students can use to enhance their ad in Spanish:

“Super Ganga” = Super Sale
“Tienda” = Store
”por” = for…... as in ”2 bolígrafos por 36 pesos”
“Muy Barato” = Very Cheap

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