Sunday, May 8, 2011

Salsa de Mayo Fiesta

On Friday, May 6th, Julia Landon was host to 8th Grade Spanish 1 students for our first "Salsa de Mayo" fiesta. Students from Oceanway Middle School, Lake Shore Middle School, Fletcher Middle School, and DuPont Middle School practiced their Spanish-speaking skills, learned to dance Salsa, Merengue, and Bachata, snacked at a Nacho Bar, and participated in our first "Salsa de Mayo Latin Dance Masters Dance Contest"!

Winners of our dance contest were our very own Madison C. and Andrew B. ¡Felicidades!

"Muchas gracias" to our students who took the lead in every aspect of the party from creating the decorations to set-up and clean-up. They looked fabulous and did a great job both dancing and speaking Spanish.

A special thank you to Mr. Loughran and his art students who created an awesome banner to welcome students to the event. Be sure to take a look at the banner which is still hanging in the cafeteria.

Finally, thank you to the parents who kept things moving and organized at the food tables, helped with clean-up, and provided many of our gift certificate prizes. We couldn't do this kind of activity without your support!

¡Muchas Gracias a Todos!

P.S. Thanks to Dr. Coker-Daniel for allowing us to host such an event at Julia Landon and providing us with support from our awesome janitors and Office Felder as our security.

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