Saturday, December 17, 2011

Students and Parents


All I can say is "¡Ay, chihuahua!" That's "Wow" and "Oh, my gosh!" in English! After school, Friday evening, I finally had a chance to open the many Christmas gifts and greetings from students, and I must say I feel truly blessed this holiday season.

I have sampled simply delicious chocolates, homemade fudge, cookies, cake pops, breads, and assorted treats which just may not last over the weekend. Of course, you know that means extra miles on the treadmill, but it's worth it!

I can't wait to use the many restaurant gift cards. That should surely help when school work gets overwhelming and there's just no time to cook. Plus, I received so many lovely gifts.... from soaps, lotions, flowers and candles to cute Santa pins, scarves, stationery and dishcloths. I must say, the most unique gift was a goat! (I'll have to explain that later!)

Thank you, also, for the many inspirational notes and cards. With a little vacation time and an opportunity to relax with the family, I should be ready to get back to school in a couple of weeks.

I look forward to seeing you all next year. Have a wonderful holiday!

Muchas gracias,

Señora Dennis

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